Canada's Best Teachers

This professor teaches critical thinking

Shelagh Crooks earns a 3M National Teaching Fellowship

This professor teaches respect for wood

Simon Ellis earns a 3M National Teaching Fellowship

This equity professor pushes community outreach

June Larkin earns 3M National Teaching Fellowship

This business professor is a creativity crusader

Darren Dahl earns a 3M National Teaching Fellowship

This professor connects language to emotions

Kim Fordham Misfeldt earns 3M Teaching Fellowship

This professor teaches geography outside

Colin Laroque earns a 3M National Teaching Fellowship

This professor teaches accounting as a story

Joan Conrod earns 3M National Teaching Fellowship

This professor helps students discover their city

Heather Zwicker earns a 3M National Teaching Fellowship

This professor instills the philosophy of medicine

Mark Goldszmidt earns 3M National Teaching Fellowship

Dr. Chocolate teaches marketing and the pleasure of food

Jordan LeBel is a 3M National Teaching Fellow for 2013

What’s going right in Indigenous Education

Prof. Fiona Walton employs more than just empathy


Eureka! Discovery learning works

3M Fellow Connie Varnhagen explains her approach