Canada's Stories

Here is 100 plus years of Maclean’s—free

We’ve digitized thousands of issues containing more than 100,000 stories from Canada’s greatest writers and journalists. Everything from 1905 to 2008 is free to read.

‘One way or another, we are in for big changes’

Naomi Klein, the activist author, turns her attention to climate change

‘God made it so they would never have to be alone’

Krista and Tatiana Hogan are conjoined twins who have defied expectations

‘We’re not ready, this is not part of the plan’

Brielle Brunet was born during the Fort Mac evacuation


Richelle Shiner has been called the luckiest baby in the world

‘We’re taught to cover up our imperfections’

Aanikh Kler developed a ringtone for youth to help other youth

‘I want more young people getting into politics’

Pierre-Luc Dusseault is the youngest MP in Canadian history

‘I didn’t want to be a burden’

Robert Zhu is an only child from China

‘I didn’t want to be a follower anymore’

Andrea Landry on the needs of Indigenous youth

“Are you that girl in the kissing photo?”

Alexandra Thomas on being an accidental part of Canadian hockey history

‘They weren’t happy, I’m-getting-married tears’

Christine Cimolai on having rain on your wedding day

‘He towed me through the snow’

Karen Curtis went into labour during the 1996 Victoria blizzard