Canadian immigrants

Best communities for new Canadians 2019

Our ranking suggests there are many small towns that offer the same benefits and a more affordable cost of living than bigger cities

Fit in, or be excluded: The root of immigrants’ impulse to assimilate

Concerns about ostracism can lead some immigrants—particularly first-generation ones—to deny racial and cultural issues

Canada supports a ‘values’ test. But not the values of the far right.

While 84% of respondents back screening of new immigrants, the values they actually support seem to lean left

Cabinet discusses how to deal with asylum seekers

There are practical and political pressures being placed on the Liberal government by a rising number of asylum seekers in Canada

Nothing to write home about

The truth about Pierre Trudeau and immigration

A new book argues Trudeau’s record on immigration is a myth worth puncturing

Kenney’s case against criminal non-citizens

Ottawa’s plan to make it easier to kick criminals out of the country sounds simple, but some fear it goes too far


REVIEW: 1982

Book by Jian Ghomeshi


The amazing milk machine sold one refugee on Canada

A simple drink without a ration card represented glorious abundance to a young immigrant


Educated immigrants less likely to find work: Statcan

But study says that immigrants catch up after time spent in Canada