child abuse

Female teachers: The sex offenders no one suspects

From 2014: How the treatment of female teachers who sexually exploit male students reflects society’s legal and cultural double standards

Silken Laumann’s shocking secret

The Olympian opens up about her dark childhood: anorexia, cutting and her troubled abusive mother

Breaking the silence on abuse

Stories of violence at a Halifax home for black children spur calls for an inquiry

This isn’t the way to protect our children

This isn’t the way to protect our children

Should we punish Joe Paterno in the 21st century for his retrospective cultural attitudes?


Child abuse increased during recession, study says

Hard data now available to confirm the connection


Megapundit: Because of the unfreezing process, Christie Blatchford has no inner monologue

Must-reads: Don Martin on child abuse in Afghanistan; Jeffrey Simpson on bad carbon tax timing; John Ibbitson on Obama on fatherhood.


Bring her home to stop the whining

Must-reads: Doug Saunders on “Americanizing” the Afghanistan mission; Christie Blatchford on rescuing child abuse victims; James Travers on the food crisis; John Ivison on the doctor shortage; Don Martin on Brenda Martin.