
Why Afghanistan’s ambassador to Canada was called home

Amidst claims of a ‘fake’ dispatch to Kabul, a ‘conspiracy’ against her and a staff revolt, the ambassador was recalled and may not return to Ottawa

Is Cuba on the verge of reopening an embassy in the U.S.?

A new flagpole hints that the answer is yes


A Memorandum of Understanding for Enhancing Mutual Support at Missions Abroad

Here is the official news release on today’s meeting between John Baird and William Hague.

The Commons: Canada moves back in with its parents

Why stop at the embassies, Mulcair charged, Ottawa and London could also merge their armed forces


Were we worried about an Iranian sleeper cell?

Brian Stewart offers a theory on the Harper government’s decision to cut diplomatic ties with Iran.


Kenney on Iran

While announcing his department’s crackdown on immigration fraud, Jason Kenney was asked about the government’s decision to cut diplomatic ties with Iran and whether would be any impact on Canadians who need consular services or Iranians who might be hoping to immigrate.


Our diplomatic war with Iran

Asked about how Iran might respond to Canada’s decision to cut diplomatic relations, the Prime Minister says nothing would surprise him. Iran dismisses the Harper government as “racist.” John Baird says he has no knowledge of military action against Iran. Benjamin Netanyahu and Simon Peres praise the Harper government. Irwin Cotler assesses the situation.


The paper trail

The crucial document in the Oda Affair was first uncovered by Embassy magazine last fall and detailed in an extensive report on KAIROS.


Rights and Democracy: A little more context

From Embassy magazine, a scrappy Ottawa tabloid that consistently beats the rest of the Gallery on foreign-affairs news simply because that’s all it concentrates on, an op-ed from a Kairos principle about the guy who wrote that Jerusalem Post op-ed.


‘The issue will not go away’

Three important dispatches from Embassy magazine this week. Laura Payton on the plight of the whistleblower. Lee Berthiaume talks to the Information Commissioner about the paper trail, or lack thereof. And retired colonel Michel Drapeau argues passionately for a public inquiry.