employment insurance reform


It’s not about him, but now that you mention it…

I try again to explain Jack Layton.


It’s not me, it’s you

Jack Layton tries again to explain himself.


UPDATED: Hey!LookOverThereWatch: Maybe next time, they’ll have an Ignatieff puppet!

She’d have to check her voluminous gallery listserv archives to be absolutely certain, but ITQ is fairly sure that this is the first time the NDP has ever convened a press conference to demand answers from the leader of one of the other opposition parties:



It is sometimes worth paying QP some attention

There is apparently some lament—from no less than the Prime Minister even— that the Liberals didn’t use Question Period this afternoon to follow up Michael Ignatieff’s announcement this morning. Funny thing is, they did.


UPDATED: Why must you torture ITQ like this, Canadian Press/Harris-Decima?

Hey, look —  a hypertopical public opinion poll on employment insurance reform, courtesy of CP/Harris Decima: