
There’s a fix for flooding in cities, but you’re not going to like it

Some cities are imposing fees that force all property owners to help pay for, and even prevent, stormwater runoff from their land

Harvey’s massive rainfall compared to precipitation in Canadian cities

As catastrophic levels of rain continue to pour down on America’s fourth largest city, forecasters are predicting more is on the way.Entire neighbourhoods are under water, at least 10 people have died, thousands have been rescued and even more evacuated.

How Canadians can help victims of Hurricane Harvey

From pet rescuers to agencies that assist the disabled, a constellation of services allow Canadians to pitch in

Is Hurricane Harvey a harbinger for Houston’s future?

The extreme impacts of recent storms, especially in Houston, has led to questions over whether climate change is to blame

Justin Trudeau’s speech in Houston: Read a full transcript

Trudeau: ‘No country would find 173 billion barrels of oil in the ground and just leave them there’


One nasty looking football injury

Not sure why the hell there were service carts in the endzone, but this just looks downright painful. And believe it or not, the Houston WR who ran into the carts isn’t mad at Marshall University for their unbelievable negligence.