immigration reform

The real Facebook: a photo database of every U.S. citizen

Jesse Brown on fear and facial recognition

Big Gulp

Big Gulp: Republican insiders try to save the party from itself

The GOP needs to rethink outreach in order to stop “secular socialism”


The Conservative-socialist-separatist coalition

The Bloc and NDP save Jason Kenney’s hopes of immigration reform.


Megapundit: John McWho?

Must-reads: Colby Cosh on the NFL invasion; John Ivison on immigration reform.


Megapundit: The Big Three’s ‘great reckoning’ is upon us

Must-reads: David Olive and Don Martin on the auto industry; Dan Gardner on oil addiction; John Ivison on losing confidence in the Tories; Chantal Hébert on Jean Charest and Dalton McGuinty; Christie Blatchford on the Toronto 18.


In praise of the open-face sandwich

Must-reads: Rosie DiManno on Afghan politics; Terence Corcoran and Greg Weston on immigration reform; James Travers on access to information; Jonathan Kay on Selwyn House.