income trusts


John and Jim go way back

John McCallum, Apr. 26, 2006. Mr. Speaker, he has confirmed that he is both incompetent and fleecing the poor. I have a question concerning a more immediate issue with regard to the budget information just released by the member for Halton. The Minister of Finance has two choices: either he will tell the House that this information is wrong or he will admit that his budget is seriously flawed and immediately resign. Which will it be?


BTC: Substance

Philippe Gohier on carbon taxes and candidate vetting.


Anyone but the Tories or the NDP

[UPDATED below with contrite statement from Fullard, and what he thought 10 months ago.]


BTC: Reserving the right to change one’s mind

Canadian Press reports from Huntsville. “Harper says Liberal Leader Stephane Dion was against the idea of a carbon tax for years and the fact he’s made an about-face shows he has no credibility.”