Japan tsunami


Clean up plan in the works for Japan tsunami debris

Trash continues to wash ashore in North America

Tsunami debris brings Japanese ecosystem to U.S. coast

Oysters, mussels, sponges, worms could pose threat to local species


Tsunami debris hits the shores of B.C.

Some scoffed when Tofino’s mayor first warned of the approaching barrage of Japanese washed-up objects. Not now.


Japan asks B.C. for help to identify debris

Post earthquake and tsunami, personal items may wash up on Canada’s west coast

Japan, one year later: glimmers of life in a ghost town

The fishing village of Minamisanriku takes small steps toward recovery

Fukushima 50

Heroes: the Fukushima 50

When 700 workers were evacuated from a Japanese nuclear power plant, these few stayed behind to battle a meltdown