Jennifer Stoddart

The privacy commissioner and C-13

Scrutiny of a contentious bill

Trade Agreements, Privacy, and the Cloud

What does privacy have to do with trade agreements? As Canada, the U.S., and nine other countries negotiate a multilateral trade agreement called the Trans-Pacific Partnership, the TPP, U.S. negotiators are pushing to include a provision that would commit members to allowing free-flow of data over their borders. They want to prevent countries from implementing “localization requirements” that require companies doing business in their jurisdiction to physically locate their computer servers there.

Why the Privacy Commissioner should get off Facebook

Jesse Brown on the atrocious state of data privacy in Ottawa

Facebook’s secret? Rolling with the punches

The ubiquitous social network somehow always comes out on top


Privacy’s not dead

Canada’s privacy commissioner on how the protection of personal information today starts with taking control


The registry and privacy

Public Safety Minister Vic Toews first claimed that long-gun registry data needed to be destroyed lest it fall into the NDP’s hands. Mr. Toews then argued that destroying the data was necessary as a matter of privacy. On the latter point, the privacy commissioner seems not entirely to agree.

The new paparazzi

Can teens escape embarrassment on Facebook?

The only way to avoid starring in those baffling pictures is to skip the party. And who wants to do that?


‘Canadians have not been given sufficient justification’

The privacy commissioner questions the Harper government’s push for “lawful access” legislation.