Jon Montgomery


Where famous Canucks go to play

Travel-savvy celebs tell us what to see in their home provinces


Summer Getaways: Manitoba

Birdies, belugas and broadway


My New City

The Games didn’t change Vancouver and Canada—rather, they reflected a change that had already occurred in us


We were best when it counted

The Vancouver Games started as a ‘crazy’ dream and ended up a wondrous spectacle that transfixed and, just maybe, transformed a nation


Canada Reborn

Own the Podium was more than just good sport. It was a picture of our country as it was always supposed to be.


The Best—and Worst

SCOTT FESCHUK: Judging various elements of the Vancouver Olympics using a numerical ranking from zero to 10


The risk of aiming high

Will medal counts affect future funding for Canada’s athletes?


The Red Rocket

From Prairie boy auctioneer to Canada’s most lovable hero


A hero’s welcome

PHOTOS: Olympians return home to beaming parents, home teams, and a newborn baby


Top 10 best moments of the Vancouver Olympic Games

Curling fans, Norway’s pants and Joannie Rochette make the list


Jon Montgomery rides the slipstream into gold

What’s next for Monty? Doping, a beer and then a blank slate.

Vancouver 2010: Maclean’s predicts the winners

A look at 50 Canadian Olympians with podium potential