
How the fight to defeat ISIS sparked a new battle in Iraq

Adnan R. Khan: Canada put its military resources behind the Kurds to take on ISIS. Now it’s seeing the ugly results.

A ‘Great Disaster’ has just descended on Iraq

Adnan R. Khan reports from Kirkuk on the takeover of the city by Iraqi forces and how it has opened the door for a new insurgency

Justin Trudeau’s grossly misleading take on Iraq

Adnan R. Khan: Canada armed and trained the Kurds. To compare their independence vote to Quebec is a ploy to wash Canada’s hands of a mess it helped create.

Inside the secret war in Iraq

Adnan R. Khan on the ground with the Canadian-trained unit fighting ISIS—one that’s making some diplomats fear Ottawa’s plan is misguided

The West’s staunchest ally against ISIS is fighting on empty

Kurdish peshmerga forces are fighting off Islamic State. But with oil wealth drying up, an even bigger threat is spreading.

What Canada can do for Kurds in Iraq

Kurdistan gets assurances from Ottawa that Canada ‘will not abandon’ the anti-ISIS coalition

The problem with Iran’s role in the fight against Islamic State

Michael Petrou on the country’s real motives in supporting Iraqi forces

Inside Canada’s new war

Michael Petrou reports from the frontlines of the fight against Islamic State

Video: On the run from Islamic State

Maclean’s correspondent Michael Petrou’s latest video dispatches

John Baird on training Kurds, avoiding Syria, and ‘mission creep’

Highlights from this week’s Maclean’s on the Hill interview with the foreign minister

Kurds move to carve out a homeland

While Iraq is being torn apart by violence, the Kurds may find their place, once and for all


Boom times in Kurdistan

The beleaguered region of Iraq is booming, much to the rest of the country’s chagrin