Maclean's archives

Here is 100 plus years of Maclean’s—free

We’ve digitized thousands of issues containing more than 100,000 stories from Canada’s greatest writers and journalists. Everything from 1905 to 2008 is free to read.

Alice Munro on the wonder of daydreams

Maclean’s archives: ‘You sit around and half-think and half-dream … It’s very important to me,’ the author told us in 1998


From the Maclean’s archives: Stompin’ Tom’s return to the stage

In 1976, at the peak of his career, Connors retired from public performance. Thirteen years later, he returned.

The runner's rule book

The runner’s rule book

Marathoner Mark Remy lays down the rules, behaviour and etiquette for novices, including don’t be delusional about your speed

How to get the un-gettable bag

In 2008, Michael Tonello’s memoir busted wide open the myth of the unattainable Birkin

Remembering John Kennedy, then and now

Pierre Salinger was John Kennedy’s press secretary and close friend. This is his exclusive report from 1983.

My first year as Prime Minister

How did the job measure up to Pierre Trudeau’s own expectations? Was it frustrating? Did he find Canada impossible to govern?

Marijuana archive

Some of the best people smoke pot

In 1969, Maclean’s interviewed a lawyer, a doctor, a professor and a psychologist who all smoked pot, proving the drug had shown a tremendous upward mobility.