Megan Leslie

The NDP has a dream leader. One problem: She’s not running.

Megan Leslie has ruled out a run to replace Tom Mulcair as NDP Leader. Who’s left?

The beasts head East: Atlantic Canada gets its election moment

With a whirlwind tour, Trudeau makes his last pitch. First stop: the Atlantic, where leaders are circling and strategic voting is in play.

Are we going to have a serious discussion about carbon pricing now?

Stephen Harper gives a shout out to Alberta’s price on carbon

Let’s take Stephen Harper seriously on climate change

Thirty or so questions for the Prime Minister

Full interview: Megan Leslie on the culture of Parliament Hill

Is it any better than it was a month ago?

Megan Leslie on women in politics and the missing dialogue

‘I’d say everybody is really on edge’

Full interview: Megan Leslie on the culture of Parliament Hill

Is it any better than it was a month ago?

The sketch: Kids, this is how we met our new elections law

The Fair Elections Act is now about protecting stay-at-home moms from undue red tape

The PM, Mike Duffy and the latest twist in our national reality TV show

The sketch: Stephen Harper hopes you will not be distracted by the wildly entertaining spectacle of Mike Duffy and Nigel Wright

See them in September

The House adopts motion on MP expenses before adjourning

The Backbench Spring: Megan Leslie comments

‘It is a question of right versus wrong’