
Heather Ramey is grieving the loss of her husband Dave Varghese along with her three children Tonia, 26, Suriya, 8, and Elijah, 5. They were unable to visit Varghese in the hospital because of restrictions to prevent the spread of COVID-19, even though he did not have the virus. (Photograph by Chloë Ellingson)

The pandemic has disrupted death and mourning in ways we don’t yet understand

The act of being present for a dying loved one can be an initial processing of grief, but often family members of coronavirus patients aren’t allowed visits until the very end. COVID-19 may be setting the stage for a ‘tsunami of grief.’

Why royals always travel with black clothes

On royal etiquette and mourning protocol

A land too acquainted with grief

Paul Wells on the death of controversial Polish president Lech Kaczynski