parliamentary democracy

Canada is a great democracy. But you need to understand it.

We can debate if Canada’s democracy is the best model—but it is surely a democracy, even if one critic got it so wrong


Idea alert

Brian Topp figures it’s time we figure out what the rules of our parliamentary democracy are.


Also, I’m pretty sure I’m not allowed to use my soul as a trading chit during working hours

Unlike the mysterious – and relentless – CAITI-ites, I don’t have $10,000 to offer in exchange for a copy of the infamous Conservative Commons committee enchaosification manual, but I may as well throw myself on the mercy of Don Martin’s source, just in case he or she is in a selfless mood: Won’t you please consider cc’ing it to ITQ as well? 


Irresponsible Government: When you absolutely, positively can’t allow committee hearings into your election financing practices …

I have to admit that, even as a veteran of the In and Out Committee Wars I and II (Procedure and House Affairs and Ethics, respectively), I’m finding it hard to believe that the government would seriously consider proroguing parliament just to avoid two days of hearings into allegations that the Conservative Party may have played fast and loose with the spirit, if not the letter of Canada’s election spending laws.