
What’s on your mind when you go to university?

How your still-developing brain puts you at risk


Teenagers wired to take risks

What’s difficult for parents to sort out is what is normal behaviour and what’s cause for real concern

Teenagers wired to take risks

What’s difficult for parents to sort out is what is normal behaviour and what’s cause for real concern


The return of economic risk

A number of not unsubstantial problems that have dogged the economy in recent times threaten to flare up again


Risk homeostasis, or why big accidents make for bad law

Inevitably, in the wake of the very sad death of Natasha Richardson, Quebec is toying with the possibility of a mandatory helmet law for all skiers; in the meantime, there are anecdotal reports about increased helmet use at Tremblant already.


E pluribus CPP

My recent piece on the Caisse de debacle elicited this strange response from Erin Weir at the Progressive Economics Forum, a frequent (and friendly) critic of this page:


As rate of C-sections rises, so do known risks

In the latest issue of the New England Journal of Medicine researchers reveal that women who have multiple C-sections at term but before reaching 39 weeks gestation have double the chance of having a baby with serious complications. 


logrolling in our time

It has taken me too long, but I’ve finally bitten into the new book Risk: The Science and Politics of Fear, by my OC colleague Dan Gardner. I’m about half-way through, and it’s a thoroughly impressive work so far.