sex scandal

House of cads

A growing scandal has put the spotlight on sexism in the backroom boys’ club of British politics

Some advice for the Weiners of this world

Some advice for the Weiners of this world

If you’re caught, don’t lie. It’s the worst thing you can do, other than that first thing you did.

Standing up to bad boys

Standing up to bad boys like Schwarzenegger and Strauss-Kahn

Women all over the world are fighting back against sleazy men, no matter how powerful they are


Friends in low places

A new study suggests that Nike was right to stick with its troubled endorser


A president and his famous nemesis

The epic Bill Clinton-Ken Starr battle created fault lines in U.S. life that still reverberate


We had something real, Tiger and I

But I missed the signs. Like when he called me Rachel, then Jamie, Jamie again, then Vijay


Tiger’s fall from glory

FULL STORY: How a car crash exposed the strange and embarrassing life of the world’s greatest athlete


The most interesting man in the world

Women, riches, power—Italy’s Silvio Berlusconi has it all. But is his act finally wearing thin?


Governor Mark Sanford Should Resign

The sudden death of Michael Jackson has pushed the saga of the missing governor from South Carolina off the front pages of America’s newspapers. But as the public’s attention drifts away from the pop star’s death, the calls for Mark Sanford’s resignation will once again take on a life of their own.