
The woman in a war zone

The woman in a war zone

Sky News correspondent Alex Crawford says there are dangers everywhere, whether in Libya or London


Standing tall

After making a great show of dispatching Lawrence Cannon to Newfoundland to give Colonel Gadhafi what for, the Harper government apparently dispatched Mr. Cannon to Tripoli to smooth over any offence that great show might have resulted in.

‘Power is in our hands’

The challenging transition in Libya

‘Power is in our hands’

An uneasy uprising

Libya’s uneasy uprising

Tribal feuds, clan rifts and deepening political turmoil threaten to undermine the war against Gadhafi


Gadhafi’s last stand

After more than four decades in power, will he be the next tyrant to topple?

The king’s (totally crazy) speech: selections from Gadhafi’s address

‘Moammar Gadhafi is not a normal person that you can poison or lead a revolution against’


Gadhafi: still crazy after all these years

Gadhafi says democracy is a bad idea for African nations


Lebanon and Syria: on the brink of war

Syria has amassed 10,000 troops to police its border with Lebanon