
One side of this road is Republican, the other Democrat. Now it’s a battle line.

Allen Abel finds a place where America’s toxic politics have torn apart towns, friends and families. Is there any going back?

Another deadly day in America

Only this time, Americans can actually witness a consequence of the 2nd Amendment. Will it make a difference?


Votes from the big house?

Most states prohibit jailed felons from casting a ballot


The recurring question that haunts pro-lifers

Libertyville Abortion Demonstration: still my favourite YouTube video of all time. No scripted comedy will ever make me laugh as hard as the monkey-puzzle looks on the faces of anti-abortion protesters when the filmmaker hits them with the question “If abortions should be illegal, what punishment should be imposed on the women who have them?” Most if not all of the interviewees are experienced at making nuisances of themselves in the name of a grand moral cause; none, clearly, are similarly experienced at unassisted moral reflection. I will never understand how the interviewee who answers the question “It’s kinda between a woman and her God” and the one who says “I leave that to society to decide” managed not to blush to death. Most certainly they didn’t skulk off home and leave the patients of that clinic alone.


The new fight over Obamacare

A Virginia court decision has ignited constitutional questions, while states seek to roll back Obama’s health care reform

Why moderate Republicans do better than Palin Republicans

If the GOP could get its act together, it could challenge Obama

The last of the Kennedys

From 2009: The death of Ted Kennedy marks the end of America’s most iconic dynasty