
Food for thought on CFIA and tainted beef: Maybe the system actually works?

XL Foods’ bad beef has affected only 15 people, and all are alive and well


BTC: Silly questions (II)

Granted, this business of the Liberal plane is terribly fascinating, the stock market is a mess and it’s important we know how much the mission in Afghanistan is costing us… but shouldn’t this bit about the Canadian Medical Association Journal’s accusing the government of endangering the lives of average, unsuspecting citizens be near the top of the day’s news?


BTC: ‘He sounded like he was sincere’

Chris Peabody’s Grade 12 world issues class at Sacred Heart High School in Walkerton isn’t sure what to make of Stephane Dion. Or, perhaps more specifically, they aren’t sure what to make of politics.


The Liberal war room added canned outrage to its interests

From a minutes-old Liberal party press release:

Conservatives use new and expectant mothers as props


Megapundit: Ms. May gets her way

Must-reads: Don MacPherson on letting Elizabeth May talk; Don Martin on Stéphane Dion’s day.