whatever happened to his last minister?


A new roost for the Sparrow

As most of you are likely already aware, having either read it on the Globe’s boffo Bureau Blog or in the midst of ITQ’s liveblogging of the O’Brien trial, the Conservative Party of Canada has lost its chief spokesperson and reigning champion 500 metre hotel backstair sprinter. Yes, the rumours were true: the one and only Ryan Sparrow has started a new gig as communications director for HRDC minister — and blue ribbon panelist — Diane Finley. ITQ wishes him the best of luck in his new gig — yes, of course she’s serious; don’t give her that look — and looks forward to telling him so in person when she shows up to liveblog the first public meeting on employment insurance reform. It’ll be just like Camp In and Out, but with (presumably) less hostile witnesses!