women's rights in Afghanistan

The new faces of Afghan women

How a once-invisible generation, born under Taliban rule, is yanking Afghanistan into the 21st century

A Breadwinner for Afghan women

Deborah Ellis is a Breadwinner for Afghan women

The Canadian author has given more than $1 million in royalties to charity


Women’s Rights: The Human Rights Issue of the Century

The video depicting the abhorrent flogging of a Pakistani teenage girl by the Taliban in the Swat region has sent shockwaves around the world. Rightly so. The recent controversy over a law that was passed (and is now under review) by the Karzai government in Afghanistan illustrates that, eight years after the fall of the Taliban, there is still a long way to go for women’s rights in the region. We now know that Karzai is far from the patriot the Bush administration would have had us believe. Fortunately, Barack Obama has distinguished between his new Afghan strategy and the issue of women’s rights in that part of the world.


‘Who knew what when and who reported what when to which?’

Those were Bob Rae’s questions after QP on Thursday.

Early drafts of the Afghan ‘rape’ law were even more oppressive

Montreal-based organization helped change some of the most outrageous provisions of the family code.