Highlights from Canada WikiLeaks cables

Here are a few interesting cables concerning Canada in the latest WikiLeaks release:

Here are a few interesting cables concerning Canada in the latest WikiLeaks release:

– In late 2009, US diplomats questioned “optimistic” numbers in Harper budget, report that it leaves “some economists scratching their heads”: Cable.

– In 2009, Canada and Obama official discussed oil sands PR strategy: US official suggested “additional fact-based, third party research, trends on energy efficiency improvements, and increasing visibility and accessibility of more positive news stories.” Cable.

– In 2009, then federal environment minister told US ambassador that Ottawa would step in and regulate the oil sands if Alberta did not do enough: Cable.

– In 2008, a US diplomat put together a cheeky “Christmas wish list” for Stephen Harper: Cable.

– In 2008, the US expressed “frustration” at Canadian inaction on copyright law reform: Cable.

– In 2007, US officials cast doubt on Canada’s contention that the border was “thickening”: Cable.

– In 2003, US officials encounter broad support among Alberta government and oil executives for US invasion of Iraq, US officials “all but had to cut off pro-Washington, anti-Ottawa tirades”: Cable.