Oh, My Carlin, Oh, My Carlin

After I read the terrible news about the death of George Carlin, I turned on CNN to see how they were covering it. When they got to the famous “7 Words You Can’t Say on TV,” they bleeped four of them (showing the word “S–t” with the announcer saying: “A word for excretion”) and completely censored the other three: “And three words so controversial,” the announcer said, “we can’t even describe them.”

After I read the terrible news about the death of George Carlin, I turned on CNN to see how they were covering it. When they got to the famous “7 Words You Can’t Say on TV,” they bleeped four of them (showing the word “S–t” with the announcer saying: “A word for excretion”) and completely censored the other three: “And three words so controversial,” the announcer said, “we can’t even describe them.”

Nothing ever changes, does it?