The Raitt tape: “It’s all bad.”

So says a government source, according to Canwest’s David Akin, who has more details here.

So says a government source, according to Canwest’s David Akin, who has more details here.

The big reveal? Writes Akin: They believe MacDonnell accidentally recorded Raitt when Raitt and MacDonnell were candidly assessing the capabilities and qualities of… cabinet ministers, including the prime minister.

Including the Prime Minister?! Listen: I don’t ask for much, justice system of Canada — apart from leniency, and for forcibly concealing Rex Murphy’s hairdo under a blanket to count toward my community service hours — but pleasepleaseplease can we hear the tape now?

Also, if you could do anything to retroactively change the law regarding public nudity, the me from 1987 would greatly appreciate it. Thanks.

UPDATE: In the event you thought there was even the smallest chance that your day was going worse than Lisa Raitt’s, please click here.