What is happening here

As you have already discovered, we are going through another one of those periods of change here at macleans.ca. In telling contrast with the last couple of periods of change, this one is almost certainly a good idea.

As you have already discovered, we are going through another one of those periods of change here at macleans.ca. In telling contrast with the last couple of periods of change, this one is almost certainly a good idea.

Your stable of Maclean’s bloggers is now blogging on WordPress instead of the software we’ve been using for the last year, which if memory serves was called StickRedhotSpikesIntoYourEyespress. It allows us to do many nifty things, including blog from our Blackberries, so Kady’s liveblogs will now actually be live. Also we can embed video (we sort of always could, but it was a bear to execute — Jaime J. Weinman figured it out early, I never did). Here for your Friday-afternoon delectation are two master classes. Luciano Pavarotti is endlessly encouraging to his student, whereas Jascha Heifetz vibes his mercilessly:



We’re going to take a while to iron out bugs. Then we’re going to make the new blog regime a model for the entire site, which will progressively become crisper, better-functioning, easier to customize and otherwise generally nifty. We thank you for sticking with us this far, and we plan to make it a lot more rewarding from now on.