Hello world, this is Kickstart

How to approach life after school

Well, here we are. It’s been a while — our journey, that is. We began work on the Kickstart project way back in the frigid winter of ’05. Gas was cheap, the Red Sox had recently won the World Series and the three of us were trying to figure out what the hell we wanted to do with our lives. You see, we had recently finished university and were struck by the confusing landscape of post-graduation life. We no longer had the structure of school to keep us in line. Life was beginning, for real this time.

Over the next three years, we set out to interview some of the best known people throughout this vast country of ours, asking them what they had done when they were in our shoes. How did they get started? What obstacles did they have to overcome? Who might have inspired them?

The product of those three years, Kickstart: How Successful Canadians Got Started, was published this spring by the Dundurn Group. Then Tony Keller from Maclean’s approached us and asked if we would like to contribute a blog, dealing with various and sundry things, including what on earth young people do when they’re starting out in the workforce.

Thanks, Tony. We hope we don’t disappoint.

Alexander Herman is co-author of Kickstart: “How Successful Canadians Got Started,” a book based on interviews with over fifty well-known people from across the country. He has studied at Trinity College Dublin and is currently studying law at McGill University. He has also written a work of fiction called “The Toronto Trinity.”