All of the above

To explain the security council vote, the Globe cites a shrinking international profile (exacerbated by minority government), a late campaign, Africa, Israel and the environment.

To explain the security council vote, the Globe cites a shrinking international profile (exacerbated by minority government), a late campaign, Africa, Israel and the environment.

So what did the government do or not do to lose this crucial vote? According to close observers, many things. The Conservative government’s increasingly unflinching support for Israel – even as members prepared to vote, International Trade Minister Peter Van Loan announced new trade talks from Tel Aviv – cost it support in the Middle East and throughout the Muslim world.

The government’s perceived indifference to Southeast Asia cost votes in that region, while cutting back on the number of African nations receiving aid undermined support on that continent. Canada’s foot-dragging in creating a carbon market played heavily against it among numerous small island nations that perceive melting icecaps and rising sea levels as a mortal threat.