The race for Calgary Centre

Kady O’Malley tallies the candidates, while Colin Horgan looks at the Conservative race.

Kady O’Malley tallies the candidates, while Colin Horgan looks at the Conservative race.

The political right in Alberta is “coming out of a provincial election that was very acrimonious,” he says, referring to the split between the ruling PCs – newly led by Premier Alison Redford who was seen by many in the Conservative party as being too left wing – and the more extreme Wildrose, backed (albeit fairly quietly) by much of the federal Conservative caucus and staffed by a number of former federal party employees … “Will that split manifest itself on the federal level? I’m not the only person who’s speculated this, but there could be a split in a Conservative nomination race, and Calgary Centre is the first Conservative nomination race to happen after the provincial election,” Cournoyer says.

See previously: Could someone other than a Conservative win Calgary Centre?