Alex Shimo


Spring rolls with a side of doom, please

A vegetarian restaurant chain aims to ‘save the world’ with TV footage of disasters


Right out of the mouths of snakes

The magic ingredient in the $525-a-jar cream sold at Saks and Harrods: viper venom


They’re drinking what?

Kids seeking a quick high are downing hand sanitizer


Jill Greenberg, under fire again

The Canadian photographer isn’t afraid to make her pictures reflect her strong opinions


That’s not funny!

The website behind those cute cat photos has a darker side


Not recommended if you have cats

Cardboard’s being used to make everything from footbridges to cribs. Caution is advised.


Fine art and howitzers

A murky Chinese arms company likes bronzes—and despots

A pint of bureaucracy, please

We asked a few experts to review the New Brunswick government’s new beer

Is the threat of climate change exaggerated?

A growing number of people think the risk of climate change is exaggerated, according to a Gallop poll. About 4 out of 10 Americans think the media overestimate the threat, the highest in a decade of polling. Although the majority still believe the media get it right or underestimate the problem, this number has been falling, while those who think its overblown is rising.


Making fun of Canadian history

A 25-year-old’s comics feature characters like John Diefenbaker and Margaret Trudeau


Cash for Clunkers

Ford Motor Co. has asked the Canadian government to provide a $3,500 incentive to consumers who buy a new car in 2009. The initiative is supposed to stimulate the flagging auto-industry, and get older vehicles off the road. Ford CEO David Mondragon said they would be replaced by cleaner and safer vehicles.


To China for a cure

For $30,000, clinics offer stem cell therapies unavailable here. Do they deliver?