When the golden rule is “respect”

Every new semester brings that moment of hope. That moment when you first walk into the class and discover you’ve won the teacher lottery: you’ve landed a bobo class.

Every new semester brings that moment of hope. That moment when you first walk into the class and discover you’ve won the teacher lottery: you’ve landed a bobo class.

A bobo class has several distinct characteristics. A strong indicator is when the teacher says things like, “I don’t like pushing kids too hard. I want them to enjoy learning.” And, “I believe in a more hands-on approach.” Or best of all, “My number one golden rule is respect.”

To the less experienced student, that last one doesn’t appear to have a direct link to equaling no homework. But for some reason yet to be discovered, there’s a historically well-established scientific correlation between teachers who say that ‘respect’ is their number one rule, and a lack of homework. If they have a little sign above their door (watch for the bright construction paper) that says, “Learning Zone,” then you’ve found the holy grail of mickey mouse classes.

The observant and perceptive student will also watch for the telltale, “I don’t really take attendance.” Those are the teachers who have ghost classes. It’s like having a substitute teacher every single day. Of course, not all substitute teachers are equal. Some actually try and make you work. But for the purposes of this fantasy, I’m talking about the more cookie-cutter substitute.

The drawback, though, if forced at gunpoint to recognize one, is that a bobo class sets you up for failure in later life by setting a precedent with the lack of homework and mental challenge, encouraging a lenient work ethic and lack of discipline required for university and success.

Meaning, every single kid on the planet wants one.