Irene leaves path of destruction as it enters eastern Canada

Storm blamed for 21 deaths as flooding, power outages continue

After tropical storm Irene lashed the eastern seaboard of the United States with heavy wind and rains over the weekend, millions of people remain without power and others are stranded or homeless due to extensive flooding in many areas. So far, 21 deaths have been attributed to Irene. “The impacts of this storm will be felt for some time, and the recovery effort will last for weeks or longer,” said U.S. President Barack Obama in an address Sunday night. Flooding has washed out roads in several states, and many homes have been lifted clear off their foundations. In Vermont, at least four bridges have been destroyed and one woman killed in the worst flooding the state as seen in more than 80 years. The storm was designated as post-tropical on Monday as it moved over eastern Quebec and the Maritimes. A semblance of regularity also resumed in New York City, as the area’s three major airports reopened, subway service resumed and the stock exchange opened on schedule Monday morning.