Romney takes three more primaries, exchanges barbs with Barack Obama

After sweeping three Republican primaries on Tuesday, it’s looking more and more likely that Mitt Romney will become the Republican nominee for the U.S. presidency. He’s also acting like it, exchanging barbs with U.S. President Barack Obama after his three wins. The New York Times called the day “in some respects the start of the general election.”

After sweeping three Republican primaries on Tuesday, it’s looking more and more likely that Mitt Romney will become the Republican nominee for the U.S. presidency. He’s also acting like it, exchanging barbs with U.S. President Barack Obama after his three wins. The New York Times called the day “in some respects the start of the general election.”

Romney won decisively in the District of Columbia and Maryland, and was also victorious in Wisconsin, which was the tightest race of the three. “The dreamers can dream a little bigger, the help wanted signs can be dusted off, and we can start again,” Romney said, according to the New York Times. “And this time we’ll get it right.”

He also turned his attention to Obama, describing him as deluded and out of touch with American voters. “President Obama thinks he’s doing a good job—I’m not kidding,” he said. “It’s enough to make you think that years of flying around on Air Force One, surrounded by an adoring staff of true believers telling you that you’re great and you’re doing a great job, it’s enough to make you think that you might become a little out of touch.”

Barack Obama, meanwhile, took the opportunity to take a swipe at Romney, and explicitly named him for the first time in criticizing Republican policy, the newspaper reported. Obama said the budget passed and written by Republicans, which Romney supports, is “a prescription for decline” and is “antithetical to our entire history as a land of opportunity and upward mobility for everybody who’s willing to work for it,” the Associated Press reports.
Romney still has a while to go before he officially clinches the Republican nomination. His chief rival, Rick Santorum, has given no indication that he’s ready to throw in the towel, despite his increasingly slim odds. “Half the other people in this country have yet to be heard and we’re going to go out and campaign here and across this nation to make sure that their voices are heard in the next few months,” Santorum said Tuesday, according to the Guardian.
The race goes on, even though most seem to know the results.