Taxi driver viciously attacked. By Police?

Man identifying himself as a police officer brutally beats Ottawa cabbie

An Ottawa taxi driver was savagely beaten by a man who identified himself as a police officer. A witness said the assailant showed him a police ID and goaded him to call the police: “Go ahead, call the cops. I’ll show you I own you,” he allegedly said. About 30 people witnessed the police arrive. But after the officers were shown the assailant’s ID, they did not handcuff him. Instead, they yelled at the crowd to back off. The officers gave the assailant their notepad and pen while he appeared to write his own statement. The officers then got in the backseat of the assailant’s car and drove off with him. A witness said at one point the assailant shouted, “I’m going to fuck up all you immigrants.” Sami Aldoboni, the cab driver, suffered a broken wrist and fingers and needed to be hospitalized. Ottawa police won’t comment on the incident other than to say they don’t have
anyone in custody.

Ottawa Citizen
