Aurel Braun

Rights and Democracy: The enemy of my enemy is a listed terrorist organization

The group is urging the government to consider the MEK as a potential replacement government for Iran


Who the Tories stand with on human rights

Hunches and goose chases at Rights and Democracy have cost taxpayers $1 million


Rights and Democracy: We have a date

The Commons Foreign Affairs Committee met in camera yesterday, and when the members emerged, this appeared in the minutes:


Rights and Democracy: So everyone agrees! And there’s no problem! Right?

Over at the CBC, our their Kady O’Malley points out that Parliamentary privilege being what it is — powerful — “none” of the exemptions claimed by the industrious board of Rights and Democracy “are remotely relevant” to the Foreign Affairs Committee’s request for the Deloitte forensic audit.


Rights and Democracy: The twilight struggle of transparency and accountability

On Nov. 4 I wrote to Stéphane Bourgon, the new communications director for Rights and Democracy, quoting his own words back to him. “In Le Devoir on Oct. 23,” I wrote, “you are quoted as saying, in regard to the Deloitte forensic audit of R&D: ‘The will of our president is to make the document public as rapidly as possible. As soon as the Foreign Affairs committee asks for it, we will send it to them.’” [I’ve since added the emphasis, for reasons that will soon become apparent.]


“Democracy demands accountability and rights require responsibility”

WELLS: Very well. Let them account, if their word means anything at all.


Rights and Democracy: Time keeps on slippin’…

PAUL WELLS checks in on the audit situation


Rights and Democracy: “I don’t have a contract for Ogilvy Renault and Woods LLP”

Via ex-colleague Kady, the latest, but not the last, in the new Rights and Democracy regime’s long-running attempt to redefine modern political satire.

The Commons: Weirder still

Iggy: “The government has made a total mess of a great institution, Rights & Democracy”


Rights and Democracy: Let 100 schools of thought contend

A rebuttal to Sen. Linda Frum’s guest column


The real trouble at Rights and Democracy

Sen. Linda Frum on the controversy; Paul Wells responds


Rights and Democracy: I say tomato, you say this has nothing to do with the Middle East

Yesterday’s display of bulbous rubber noses and floppy shoes from the seven clowns running Rights and Democracy is wearyingly familiar in every particular.