canadian alliance

The end of what’s left of the Canadian Alliance

The Canadian Alliance had lived on by name and logo thanks to Mexico’s Nueva Alianza. This week, that party too will cease to exist.

Andrew Scheer, the Conservative Party’s folksy unifier

The aw-shucks demeanour of the new leader of the opposition and the federal Tories belies his complexity, and maybe his electability, too

When Tories agree to disagree

When Tories agree to disagree

Paul Wells on how Harper told his party that Canadians think like they do. The hubris was almost Liberal in its scope.

Au revoir, Stockwell Day

The former leader of the Canadian Alliance won’t seek reelection


The way he was

Among other curiosities in TVO’s new archive—for instance, a teenage Tony Clement discussing drugs in 1982—there are four vintage clips of Stephen Harper.


Stephen Harper and Canada, a love story (IV)

Eleven years before he declared himself and his side to be “Canadians first and only,” Stephen Harper declared his allegiance to an Alberta quite apart from Canada.


What has changed in Ottawa in two months?

Parliament’s first week back will see a war of narratives as Harper fires up his big guns: the budget and the Throne Speech


Let us now debate the difference between user fees and taxes (II)

Officially it is called the Airport Travellers Security Charge. Introduced in 2002, it was reduced from $24 to $14 in the Liberal government’s budget for 2003. Hansard shows two references to the charge from Stephen Harper, Canadian Alliance leader and leader of the opposition at the time, during the session of Parliament when that budget was tabled, the first of which links to this speech, delivered in response to that budget.

The Commons: ‘How do we repair the irreparable?’

‘Jacques Parizeau!’ Mr. Harper yelped. ‘Weaken this country!’


ITQ breaks perfect record of not using “strange bedfellows” in a title …

But honestly, given the exquisite irony of this Globe story, how can I, in good conscience, not break out that cliche?


“A speech from five years, two elections, three Parliaments ago, from a party that no longer exists …”

First response from the Little Shop of Hey, Why Don’t We Go Back To Talking About The Carbon Tax? Wasn’t That Fun?: