
Quebec politics amid strife: Charest, undead, lives on?!

As dark as things are for the Premier, he can take comfort in this: his opponents aren’t faring much better than him

How Quebec’s back-to-school bill fails

Political scientist Emmett Macfarlane weighs in


Quebec’s young Liberals support tuition hike

Large protests outside meeting in Sherbrooke


Quebec university students, unions give up on provincial education consultations

Professors, staff and students release a manifesto on the future of universities in the province

Charest’s credibility gap

Why it’s getting harder and harder to give him the benefit of the doubt


Instant live big by-election update!

The status quo reigned tonight, with the PQ winning in two of the three by-elections, as predicted. Charest’s Liberals won in Hull. The ADQ was shut out completely, garnering nary a second place finish – despite two star candidates and a patented ‘blame the immigrants’ campaign in Bourget. “The ADQ drifts toward marginality,” reads the headline on