Colin Powell

Election Daily: Could Donald Trump have a lifeline?

Maclean’s Bulldog, Oct. 25: Hillary Clinton, meanwhile, fights voter complacency with voting convenience

Donald Trump is winning over Ohio—and Dr. Oz

Maclean’s Bulldog, Sept. 14: Your daily rundown of what happened on the U.S. campaign trail


REVIEW: In my time

Book by Dick Cheney

Security trumps trade at the border

Security trumps trade at the U.S. border

Deeper economic integration has been stalled by a risk-averse U.S. government


Limbaugh Over Powell


The John Babcock analogy

Lawyer and commenter Howard Anglin writes at length in defence of the government’s position on Omar Khadr’s child soldier status.


Megapundit: The age of meritocracy

Must-reads: Dan Gardner on the end of capitalism; Don Martin and Janet Bagnall on gender politics.


Powell’s Decision

The decision by former Secretary of State Colin Powell to endorse Barack Obama surprised more by the logic of his choice than by the actual selection. Clearly, it was a severe indictment of John McCain’s judgement and temperament. His references to the Palin nomination and McCain’s performance over the last few weeks during the financial crisis seemed in line with the views of many observers, including noted conservative columnists.