Danielle Smith

The Unsteady Reign of Danielle Smith

Alberta’s premier rode into office declaring war on the federal government—and won by a tiny margin. Can she keep her rebellious rural base happy, without sparking a national crisis?

The last of Danielle Smith

She lacked a natural gift for politics, but the former Wildrose Party leader’s impact on this era of Alberta politics is significant

The Wildrose identity crisis

Colby Cosh on what’s left of Alberta’s Wildrose party

In defence of the Wildrose defectors

The floor-crossing was widely characterized as an attack on democracy. The truth? Alberta will get over it fast, writes Colby Cosh.

Behind the uproar in Alberta

Colby Cosh on the ad-hoc, crazy-quilt nature of an inevitable revolt in Alberta

In Alberta politics, it’s out with the wild and in with the mild

Colby Cosh on Danielle Smith’s new ‘Mildrose’ identity

Danielle Smith wants to win

Will her newly moderate Wildrose Party find the power it desires?

Bird Brains on Twitter

It only takes 140 characters to make a fool of someone. Exhibits A through H

What students are talking about today (October 23rd edition)

UBC change room creep, Windsor fashion police & iPad Mini


Northern Gateway pro and con

Peter Kent seems unswayed by official American criticism of an Enbridge oil spill in Michigan—though apparently he has yet to read the actual report in its entirety.


In Alberta, Conservatives can truly be conservative

The Id vs. Superego of Tory revolts

Indifference is the new intolerance

Rob Ford, Danielle Smith, and the grave danger of saying nothing instead of saying the right thing