fiscal policy

Canada is adrift without a fiscal anchor

Having no fiscal anchor means that the government is without self-imposed restraints on its spending behaviour

Who was Canada’s best fiscal manager? Part II

Is being tough on spending and deficits the best measure of sound fiscal management?

Chrétien, Martin, Harper: Who has the best fiscal record?

What the numbers say about the performance of the last three governments as fiscal managers

Why the Reinhart-Rogoff glitch doesn’t matter for Canada

Not right now, anyways, say Stephen Gordon

What to expect from the federal budget

Slower-rising transfers and lower program spending. Basically, more of the same, writes Stephen Gordon

A different take on Canada’s deficit-fighting story

Revisiting our fiscal “miracle”


News flash: no free lunch after all

Fraser Institute study confirms what was already plain as day: fiscal “stimulus” had nothing to do with the recovery. Using Statistics Canada data, they find: