Haida Gwaii

The Haida Nation is teaming up with New Zealand’s snipers to kill deer and save Haida Gwaii

Parks Canada and the Haida Nation may have developed a model for other places across Canada where deer continue to plague ecosystems

Royal visit 2016: Off script with Will and Kate

Nancy Macdonald on a royal visit that unleashed politics, protest—and decidedly unroyal bear hugs

Will and Kate visit Haida Gwaii with anger in the air

Just days after a controversial LNG project scores federal approval, the royals visit a precious west-coast rainforest on Haida Gwaii


Dad, why do the old folks call Cannabinia “B.C.”?

The ongoing onomastic revolution in British Columbia reached a new high-water mark this week when a Squamish elder proposed attaching the old Squamish name “X̱wáýx̱way” to Stanley Park, and B.C. officials practically drowned him out praising the idea:


Come to think of it, why use “volunteers” to run the Olympics?

Don’t tell anybody, but I’m rather tickled that the Queen Charlotte Islands have been given back the name of the slaveholding empire that was once centred there. Such a cheeky gesture! So politically incorrect! So contrary to the stifling liberal spirit of our age! It is almost literally as if Mississippi got renamed Whitetopia; and yet the progressives are simply falling over themselves with naïve praise. I raise a glass to you and shoot you a sly wink, Government of British Columbia!


After 40 years of yearning

A firsthand glimpse of the last totems of SGang Gwaay, BC.