
Why Sir John A. Macdonald’s name should stay on our schools

John Geddes on the reason we remember Sir John A. and the importance of weighing historical figures based on more than their flaws

The case for keeping ‘Langevin Block’

Peter Shawn Taylor on the danger of judging historical figures, from Langevin to Cornwallis, on individual acts


In case you were wondering

Despite a bit of rumbling, the Ottawa bureau of Maclean’s remains intact, or at least as intact as it was before the quake. The main buidlings on Parliament Hill have apparently been evacuated and are being checked. Langevin reportedly was not evacuated, but the Prime Minister was on his way to the airport at the time.


Inside Langevin

Here is the transcript of the Prime Minister’s exclusive interview with the news agency that is now overseen by his former director of communications. Make of it what you will.


And what a magical photographic opportunity it will be.

Well, at least they aren’t dragging us all out to Pearson for an all-day non-event. Next time, though, guys, you should really consider ITQ’s suggestion to do the whole thing by Google Chat — not only do you get an instant transcript of the discussion for free, but it’s far less demanding of your full attention than the phone, even: