
Why Catholic priests should be allowed to marry

Michael Coren: There’s no compelling biblical reason why priests have to be celibate. Ordaining married men today would do nothing but good.

The downright abomination of stunt marriage proposals

Shannon Proudfoot: How does it feel being reduced to a mere audience member—one face in a gaping sea—staring up at a scene from your own life?

Canadians are increasingly noncommittal about marriage

According to a new poll, 53 per cent of Canadians now say tying the knot ‘is simply not necessary’

How one woman challenged Canada’s macho rock-climbing world

Jan Redford’s memoir about rock-climbing, family life and feminism is right on time for the age of #MeToo

A dozen Canadian facts about marriage, religion and modern life

A look at how Canadians cook, marry, worship, vote and so much more

Why my two children have different last names

Most Canadians think married couples should share a last name. This family chose a different route

Why men should be more like women

A Q&A with Stephen Marche on why men’s gender issues have helped lead to Donald Trump’s presidency—and what’s wrong with how we discuss the topic

In conversation with author Stephen Marche

Anne Kingston talks gender and relationships with writer Stephen Marche

Podium proposals are all the rage in Rio. They shouldn’t be.

It’s only a matter of time before returning Olympians are greeted with: ‘Great about your gold, where’s the diamond?’

Editorial: Canada is leading the pack in mixed unions

Why we’re setting the global standard for multicultural acceptance and integration

Watch ‘The Notebook,’ save your marriage

A revolutionary study finds the best technique for preventing divorce: Hollywood

How marriage can save your life

Getting married and staying married may be the best thing you can do for a longer, healthier life