press gallery

Thomas Mulcair meets the press

The leader of the opposition and the press gallery take part in a vigorous back-and-forth


Mark Carney walks into a bar

The governor of the Bank of Canada stops by a gathering of reporters.


Capital diary

Mitchel Raphael on Baird’s Crown jewels and Rae’s bondage moment


Any questions?

After taking 15 questions yesterday from reporters about other topics—John Baird’s speech at the United Nations, Barbara George, Omar Khadr and Rob Anders—Bob Rae suggests his own topic.


Dealing with the Conservatives’ carbon tax farce

Bruce Cheadle reviews the political and journalistic challenges created by the Conservatives’ carbon tax farce.


The farce and the press gallery

The Conservative party has issued a release in response to Thomas Mulcair’s deferring to the press gallery. Apparently Mr. Mulcair is trying to “co-opt journalists” into defending his cap-and-trade proposal.


Journalism Win

In the process of reporting on a dispute between the Conservative party and the CRTC, Stephen Maher demonstrates—with three words—how to refer to what one side is saying, while also reporting the truth (emphasis mine).


The vast unionized media conspiracy

Glen McGregor notes an interesting sentence (that I skimmed past) in the Conservative response to news that the NDP had to pay back money received from union sponsorships.


Questioning the press gallery

Samara’s latest report looks at political news coverage and how it compares to some frequent complaints.


Not powerful enough to be corrupted

Rest assured, the Canadian news media isn’t nearly powerful enough for anything like the News International scandal to happen here.


The people and the press

The Boston Globe compares what Barack Obama was asked about during yesterday’s Twitter town hall with what journalists asked during the last two weeks of White House press briefings.


It’s all fun and games until someone demands an answer

John Allemang profiles Terry Milewski.