

By cuddling with her cat, woman is found alive after more than three weeks lost in New Mexico forest

As tales of survival go, this one is pretty impressive. A 41-year-old woman named Margaret Page went missing after she and her cat Miya veered off a hiking trail and got lost in the Gila National Forest in New Mexico. As for supplies, she had a bag of pretzels, some cat food and a sleeping bag.

A radical new rabies treatment

A radical new rabies treatment

For the first time people are surviving the infection without vaccinations—but is this therapy too risky?


The Memory Project – Allan Smith, Stories of survival WWII

‘I spent my nights in a cupboard, along with a huge spider’


Chilean miners: Voices from the underground

Tensions are brewing—both below and above


Chilean miners: That far down, who decides what’s law?

Even NASA sees it as a case study in isolation


Fleeing the capital

Thousands stream out of Port-au-Prince, but the hope of rebuilding remains