Tarek Fatah

Does Islamic finance have a place in Canada?

Tarek Fatah and Walid Hejazi debate the pros and cons of sharia banking


Islamic finance: paying for piety?

UM Financial’s troubles were a rocky start for sharia banking

In the shadow of 9/11

In the shadow of 9/11

Debating the impact of the attacks and how it changed Canadian life, laws and liberties


Protesters raped in Iran: “My life is over. I don’t think I can ever recover.”

Several weeks ago, I blogged about the useful idiots in the West – including in Canada – who work for Iran’s state-run propaganda organ, Press TV.


The Muslim Brotherhood and a celebrity food drive

Writing in the Calgary Herald, Tarek Fatah, an outspoken liberal Muslim, asks why the CBC is teaming up on a food drive with the Muslim Association of Canada – a group openly supportive of the international Islamist group the Muslim Brotherhood, and its founder Hassan al Banna.