Wilfrid Moore


More witnesses for the (Senate’s) defence: Senators George Baker and James Cowan

From that same Legal and Constitutional Affairs meeting, a fine rant from another fiery Atlantic Canadian senator that left Peter Van Loan bristling with barely concealed rage.  (I’d actually recommend reading the full transcript; it was a great debate even if the government did make the mistake of sending an painfully overconfident pitbull to a sword fight.) 


Dear Senator Wilfrid Moore: You won!

So, much (much) earlier this morning, as I was musing and meandering over this latest move by the Master Strategician while attempting to unbrick not one but two Blackberries (no, you don’t want to ask), trying to figure out  why – other than the obvious – it seemed so particularly deliciously ironic — until finally, I remembered: Senator Wilfrid Moore, the canny Nova Scotian senator who very nearly managed to amend the Parliament of Canada Act to force the PM to fill those empty seats whether he felt like it or not.