
Vodafone UK’s Guy Laurence named Rogers CEO

Executive is known for shaking up corporate culture to better compete

A not-so-smart backlash against BC Hydro

The battle against wireless “smart metres” finds some middle ground


Wireless competition: easier said than done

When Ottawa first decided to boost competition in the wireless market back in 2008, it seemed like a relatively straightforward process: set aside wireless airwaves for new entrants, and then sit back and watch the free market provide consumers with more choice and lower prices.

Hoping for a wireless revolution in Canada

If ever there was an industry in need of disruption, it’s Canada’s wireless sector

Does WiFi pose health risks?

If you fear WiFi, you may also want to steer clear of baby powder


On the run from radio frequencies

Some Canadians go to great lengths to escape waves of radiation from electronics that are considered harmless

In the air tonight

The fallout from Elizabeth May’s wifi fears

Your cellphone plan is killing Canadian culture!

Every time you call your mom on a WIND phone plan, Joey Jeremiah cries


Wireless wizardry

Is Globalive truly a Canadian company? The Tories say yes.